​​​​​​​​​The Competition

​To maintain our strong influence in Washington, DC, we encourage all NECA chapters to participate in the NECAPAC Capitol Competition. Chapters will compete against similar-sized chapters in their group to raise the most funds for NECAPAC.

The Prize

The​ winning chapter for each group at the end of the year will receive recognition and an award at Legislative Conference in 2025.

Contest Timeline

January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024

2023 Winners

Dirksen Group: North Florida Chapter 
Russell Group: North Texas Chapter 
Longworth Group: Alaska Chapter 
Rayburn Group: San Diego Chapter 

This data was last updated on 03/29/2024

Dirksen Group

(Chapters with 14 or fewer members)

Arkansas Chapter


South Texas Chapter


East Central California Chapter


Russell Group

(Chapters with 15-30 members)

Inland Empire


North Texas Chapter


West Virginia-Ohio Valley Chapter


Longworth Group

(Chapters with 31-49 members)

Kansas City Chapter


Alaska Chapter


Atlanta Chapter


Rayburn Group

(Chapters with 50 or more)

Puget Sound Chapter


Oregon-Columbia Chapter


Western Line Constructors
